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International Women's Day

🌸 Mother's Day Special: Embrace Self-Care Bliss 🌸

With Mother's Day fast approaching, it's time to show appreciation for the incredible women in our lives who fill each day with unconditional love and care. Whether it's your mother, wife, aunt, grandmother, or even yourself, they all deserve a moment of pampering and appreciation.

At 'Ivy Lam Therapy', I am thrilled to announce our exclusive Mother's Day promotion:

Treat yourself or your loved ones to a 30-minute Deep Tissue Face Massage for only £30!

This special offer isn't limited to just one day but spans the entirety of Mother's Month — a three-month celebration of love and gratitude.

Experience the rejuvenating

Benefits of my Deep-tissue face massage. Beyond enhancing facial muscle tone and circulation, it deeply relaxes and revitalizes your skin, reducing puffiness, promoting lymphatic drainage, and alleviating common issues like sleeplessness, headaches, and stress.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to pamper yourself or your cherished ones. Contact me now to book this rejuvenating treat and give the gift of radiant skin this Mother's Day!

🌷 Celebrate Mother's Day with 'Ivy Lam Therapy' 🌷

Sciatica, Liposuctions Drainage Massage, Reflexology Foot Massage, Full Body MOT Massage Chinese, Chinese Massage therapist, Sports Massage, Hot Stone Massage, Cupping Massage, Pregnancy Massage, Postpartum Massage, Nursing Breastfeeding Breasts Massage, Abdominal Massage, Navel Candling & Colon Massage,  Head Massage, Shoulder Neck Head Massage, Facial Lymphatic drainage Detoxing Deep Tissue Massage, Hopi Ear Candling Therapy, Hand Pain, Finger Pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome body Cellulite Reduction Massage Anti-Cellulite Massage  #sciatica #liposuctionsdrainagemassage #reflexologyfootmassage #fullbodymotmassagechinese #bodymotmassage #bodymassage #chinesemassagetherapist #sportsmassage #hotstonemassage #cuppingmassage #pregnancymassage #postpartummassage #nursingbreastfeedingbreastsmassage #abdominalmassage #navelcandling #colonmassage  #headmassage #shoulderneckheadmassage #faciallymphaticdrainage #detoxingdeeptissuemassage #hopiearcandlingtherapy #handPain #fingerpain #carpaltunnelsyndromebody #anti-cellulitemassage #anticellulitemassage  #cellulitereductionmassage #deeptissuemassage #chinesemassage  #traditionalchinesemassage #tuinamassag

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