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Hopi Ear Candling

Hopi Ear Candling Therapy

The Benefits of Hopi Ear Candling Therapy for Mind, Body, and Face

Hopi Ear Candling Therapy is a natural therapy that has been used for centuries to improve ear health and overall well-being. This technique involves placing a hollow candle in the ear canal and lighting it, which creates a vacuum effect that helps to draw out impurities from the ear. Here are some of the benefits of Hopi Ear Candling Therapy:

  • Improves Ear Health: Hopi Ear Candling Therapy can help to remove excess wax and debris from the ear canal. This can help to improve overall ear health and prevent ear infections.

  • Promotes Relaxation: Hopi Ear Candling Therapy can be a deeply relaxing experience that can help to calm the mind and reduce stress levels. Clients may feel more relaxed and refreshed after the treatment.

  • Enhances Mental Clarity: Hopi Ear Candling Therapy can help to enhance mental clarity and focus. It may help to improve concentration and memory, which can be especially beneficial for those who experience brain fog or mental fatigue.

  • Supports Sleep: Hopi Ear Candling Therapy can be a helpful treatment for those who struggle with sleep issues. It can help to promote relaxation and reduce stress levels, which can support better sleep quality.

  • Refreshes the Mind: Hopi Ear Candling Therapy can help to refresh the mind and promote a sense of renewal. Clients may feel more alert and energized after the treatment.

  • Helps with Facial Lymphatic Detoxing: Hopi Ear Candling Therapy can also help to promote lymphatic drainage in the face. The lymphatic system is responsible for removing toxins and waste products from the body, and this therapy can help to facilitate this process in the face. This can lead to a brighter complexion and reduced puffiness around the eyes.​

In summary, Hopi Ear Candling Therapy is a natural therapy that can provide numerous benefits for the mind, body, and face. It can improve ear health, promote relaxation, enhance mental clarity, support better sleep, refresh the mind, and help with facial lymphatic detoxing.

30mins £45


£25/20mins Add-On With Full Price Body Treatment

Sciatica, Liposuctions Drainage Massage, Reflexology Foot Massage, Full Body MOT Massage Chinese, Chinese Massage therapist, Sports Massage, Hot Stone Massage, Cupping Massage, Pregnancy Massage, Postpartum Massage, Nursing Breastfeeding Breasts Massage, Abdominal Massage, Navel Candling & Colon Massage,  Head Massage, Shoulder Neck Head Massage, Facial Lymphatic drainage Detoxing Deep Tissue Massage, Hopi Ear Candling Therapy, Hand Pain, Finger Pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome body Cellulite Reduction Massage Anti-Cellulite Massage  #sciatica #liposuctionsdrainagemassage #reflexologyfootmassage #fullbodymotmassagechinese #bodymotmassage #bodymassage #chinesemassagetherapist #sportsmassage #hotstonemassage #cuppingmassage #pregnancymassage #postpartummassage #nursingbreastfeedingbreastsmassage #abdominalmassage #navelcandling #colonmassage  #headmassage #shoulderneckheadmassage #faciallymphaticdrainage #detoxingdeeptissuemassage #hopiearcandlingtherapy #handPain #fingerpain #carpaltunnelsyndromebody #anti-cellulitemassage #anticellulitemassage  #cellulitereductionmassage #deeptissuemassage #chinesemassage  #traditionalchinesemassage #tuinamassag

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