Ivy Lam Therapy

My name is Ivy, as a therapist in Birmingham, which is a lovely place filled with friendly people.
To me, there are lots of fun and challenges, I am exploring my new page in the UK.
Not only did I come to the UK for fun, but I also brought my skills as a therapist relieving pain and establishing my career here.
Since I started treating my clients, I found out most of them suffer from body pain like sciatica, which is increasingly common even for youngsters in the UK, but what is the reason behind? There are numerous reasons that would cause body pain, most of the people in Birmingham do labour work and have junk food to save time and money. But without a healthy work-life balance and immense stress from work, it’s not surprising that any kinds of pain could arise.
I feel sorry to see people are suffering from all kinds of pain whilst I’m excited to meet different people to improve their physical health.
Sciatica, Liposuctions Drainage Massage, Reflexology Foot Massage, Full Body MOT Massage Chinese, Chinese Massage therapist, Sports Massage, Hot Stone Massage, Cupping Massage, Pregnancy Massage, Postpartum Massage, Nursing Breastfeeding Breasts Massage, Abdominal Massage, Navel Candling, Colon Massage, Head Massage, Shoulder, Neck, Head Massage, Facial Lymphatic drainage Detoxing Deep Tissue Massage, Hopi Ear Candling Therapy, Hand Pain / Finger Pain / Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, body,
Hand Reflexology Massage, Foot Massage, Reflexology Massage, Reflexology, Breasts Massage, Chinese Cupping Massage, 坐骨神经痛,抽脂引流按摩,脚底按摩,全身MOT按摩中文,中文,运动按摩,热石按摩,拔罐按摩,孕期按摩,产后按摩,哺乳期乳房按摩,腹部按摩,肚脐烛光和结肠按摩,头部按摩、肩颈、头部按摩、面部淋巴排毒深层组织按摩、霍皮耳烛疗法、手痛/手指痛/腕管综合症/手部反射疗法按摩